Well done
twice shy
JoinedPosts by twice shy
TTATT in a Can... finally finished!!
by ILoveTTATT inok so... how to condense all the flip-flops and doctrinal changes, and show graphically how the different doctrines changed, and when?.
ttatt in a can!!.
enjoy ;).
Vicars to be vetted ..New laws on working with children...
by smiddy inthis article appeared on friday may 9, 2014 in the herald sun newspaper in victoria australia.. matt johnston is a state politics reporter.. quote :" all religous ministers will need working with children checks and a new system will be created for organisations to report alleged child abuse,under a $ 10 million state government reform.".
premier denis napthine revealed the new measures,a further response to the state parliments`s child abuse inquiry report,betrayal of trust .. "many ordinary parish based ministers may not have required a wwc check.under this rule , every minister for religion who has any contact with children will require such a check ," he said.. opposition community services spokeswoman jenny mikakos called for the government to move quicker to "address the issues identified".
my concern is, will the watchtower org./jehovahs witnesses /jw.org.
twice shy
Oh, I see. It now all becomes crystal clear. This is why they stopped the book studies at people's homes. Pedophiles cannot be near children and home book study arrangements are a liability as is the meetings for service and so forth. They can't disclose someone's personal private business.
The plot thickens.
CO is chasing me . Meeting him tomorrow.
by Ancientofdays inthis week is the "special week", co is back.. he phone called me this morning asking to meet together.. i replied "i don't refuse people who want talking to me, but my condition is that you must be alone, and we meet in public space.".
he agreed and we will meet tomorrow in a cafe.. .
this week he already met with my wife in the kh, and he told her "i believe your housband is apostate !!
twice shy
You could tell him you decided not to show after running late because you were still meditating about whether you should sue him or not for defaming your character by uttering harmful, hurtful epithets of hearsay against your spiritual character and how much you should sue him for if he continues in his campaign to destroy your marital vows with unsubstantiated assumptions that can quite possibly negatively impact your wife's spiritual health to the extent that it may never be restored.
"Therefore what GOD has yoked together, let NO MAN put apart" Mark 10:9
Food for thought
May 2014 Kingdom Ministry (KM - 05/2014 PDF)
by WatchTower87 ininstruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
km - 05/2014 pdf : http://adf.ly/fhkoa.
twice shy
@kneehigh-First the org needs to work on the adults developing spiritual maturity. The dumbed down magazines treat adults like children and don't allow them to make any of their own decisions
Been there, Done that. It appears I was a bit more spiritually mature than they thought. I was spiritually mature enough to search for the real truth.
@Baltar447- DOUBLE DITTO
@mynameislame- If you are often late, meditate on the reasons why.
Well the next time someone's asked why havent they been attending? They can always say "I/We were running late and I knew Jehovah wouldn't want us to come in late as it brings great attention to my/our weakend spiritual state. So I/we will be out until we finish meditating on it. No matter how long it takes. I/We are resolved to obey. No matter the cost.
WOW! Thanks for the "what I don't miss" reminders.
Silly me, Just when I thought I was getting out...they continue to pull me further and further away by slapping me on the back of the head while telling me Faster! Faster! You are simply not running fast enough to get out of her! THE GREAT BABYLON THE GREAT!
RUN I SAY! RUN FASTER AWAY when you catch sight of yet another disgusting thing!
"Escape" ( in an exhausted out of breath voice)
So my mom called me out on Facebook today
by lriddle80 inmy dad posts the daily text on facebook everyday.
today's text had to do with disfellowshipping and this is what my mom commented on it:.
mom: i have a daughter also who is baptized but not disfellowshipped but doesn't want to learn about jehovah i pray that she see's soon before jehovah closes the door!.
twice shy
Perhaps his greatest light is done through the Witnesses. After all they are the only ones who's light keeps getting brighter and brighter at deceiving the unbelevers. 2Cor. 4:4 the god of this system of things has blinded the mind of the unbelievers that the illumination of the glorious good news about the CHRIST, who is the image of God, might not shine through.
The GB are really going out on a limb with this DF decision
by Quarterback inthis is how a do explained the family business policy re relatives of df/da members.. he said that the expression, "necessary family business," is really not a scriptural term.
it is nowhere found in the bible.
but, out of the kindness of the gb's hearts, they have gone beyond what is written and allowed association among families for necessary business.
twice shy
Out of the kindness of their hearts they in essence took it upon themselves to disobey Jehovah God and he should show them mercy for being imperfect, but they have his spirit. He is making all the decisions. Hmmmmm,he's no longer making all the decisions???? I'm lost.
So my mom called me out on Facebook today
by lriddle80 inmy dad posts the daily text on facebook everyday.
today's text had to do with disfellowshipping and this is what my mom commented on it:.
mom: i have a daughter also who is baptized but not disfellowshipped but doesn't want to learn about jehovah i pray that she see's soon before jehovah closes the door!.
twice shy
honesty It was terrifying the the first time I attended to worship services at a church after I left the JW's.
Ditto, but I was at a good place when they said Jesus sits at the right hand of GOD. This was not the trinity teaching taught in the hall.
@Iriddle80- Well, decided I would live my life with ultimate appreciation for the mercy that Jehovah gave me through Jesus' death. I thanked him for this mercy! I praised him for his loving kindness!! I believed that Jesus was the way to salvation and I knew what that meant! So, I learned the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! No one can come to the father, except through him
Isn't it perculiar how they just divide that tad bit of information in little bits and pieces tossed here and there. You seem to be in a very good place. You were lost and now are found.
Please check your Pm
Wasn't it so nice to hear them use Jehovah's name in song. We were taught they don't recognize him as GOD ALMIGHTY.
A Mansion for the Resurrected, in Kensington
by dynamiterose77 ini was roving around the internet looking for articles about a completely different topic, when i came across this one.. i found it very interesting.. here's a quote.. "in a 1920 book called "millions now living will never die" he'd predicted that biblical leaders like abraham, isaac and jacob would be resurrected in 1925 and become "the visible, legal representatives of the new order of things on earth.".
while this didn't occur, rutherford still chose to be prepared for the return of the patriarchs.
he moved into the newly built house in kensington around 1930, calling it beth sarim (house of the princes).
twice shy
At first I thought there was two Beth Sarims, but it says the neighborhood is Kingston. It is still located in San Diego,CA
What does money represent to YOU ?
by new hope and happiness infor example does money represent to you power, love, joy and much more or does money represent to you feelings of worry, guilt, anger, sadness.. for myself i have always enjoyed living largely on little, and i can appreciate that the best things in life are free.
having said that i am glad i have been fortunate and sensible enough with money to never have exsperienced the anxiety of debt.
and it may sound silly but i dont think winning it big on the lottery would improve the quality of my life nor my family.
twice shy
@legacy- God takes care of those who take care of themselves..just like witnesses say, when asking for God's blessing you have to be moving...like that chariot...Get the education you need to take care of yourselves & your families if you ever get married. Make enough money to be comfortable. Just remember that money only provides comfort, no more no less
Well said
Update about my Daughter In Law
by troubled mind ina few yrs ago i posted about my daughter in law ........ http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/202817/1/happy-and-nervous-for-my-daughter-in-law#.u2uf91fli-0.
she has been such an inspiration .
she has studied hard and next week will be recieving her associates of science degree with honors !
twice shy
troubled mine-To this day she has no regrets of not providing adequate education for her kids ......it is just a crazy situation .
I am truly awed by your DIL overcoming her obstacles. The story you shared is an inspiration.
Yet, being a mother raising three young ones that were being groomed for the pioneer and bethel life. I can't help but think that could of been one of my children's story.
The JW religion does more damage to the psyche than they know and all for; Money. smh
Again, I am glad she made it out.